Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
GlobalPDX is committed to amplifying the voices of global changemakers, and acknowledges that in the fight for global equality, change must start here: at home. We refuse to ignore systematic racism and police violence; we will not be silent.
Just as we are committed to amplifying the impact of the global changemakers around Oregon, we are dedicated to amplifying black voices in our state and minority voices globally. This is an important moment for America as we begin to overthrow the unjust systems springing from a history of colonialism. We acknowledge the unfortunate reality that these same systems built off of racism and white supremacy perpetuate global inequality and violence against peoples across the globe.
Additionally, as a collaborative initiative, GlobalPDX is committed to confronting our own internal processes, make changes that reflect our pledge of equity and inclusivity, and provide resources to our member organizations to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion practices into their own organizations.
Take a Stand
Visit ILoveBlackFoodSupport Black Owned Restaurants
GlobalPDX is working to gather a group of professionals who would like to have a discussion on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion. Pre-RSVP for this virtual session here, or nominate a facilitator by reaching out to [email protected].