Climate Vine and PDX local Climate Curious unite. Come with us on a hike and chat at Mt. Tabor on Saturday, Dec 9th. We’ll start gathering at 9:45 AM and begin hiking at 10:00 AM. We’ve got a 2–3 mile route planned and a cute way of keeping things fresh: at a few pausing points along the way, we’ll prompt everyone to switch up who they’re talking to. The goal: get everyone to have 6–8 conversations with people they haven’t met yet.
The best part? We are dressing up! Wear your favorite holiday sweater, jazzy sparkle for this holiday–themed hike.
We’ll depart from the Dog Park at Mt. Tabor. After the hike, if you want to continue the conversation, we will walk over to Rain and Shine Coffeehouse for warm beverages.