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Posner Center Symposium 2022

11/08/2022 - 11/12/2022

Join us from 9-18 November 2022 when the Posner Center Symposium 2022 will convene global and local development leaders, practitioners, researchers, academics, and supporters looking to take concrete, anti-racist actions in their development work, diversify the global development field, and have a more equitable impact that begins to repair past injustices.

As people across all sectors seek to “decolonize” everything – from their minds to their diets to their work – there is growing concern that a familiar fate will befall the term, becoming a dreaded buzzword.

We will dig into decolonization with deeper and more authentic meanings and applications. Speakers will suggest specific tools to identify, acknowledge, and repair ongoing harm caused by colonialism in global impact work and shift thinking from people as objects of development to subjects and leaders of change.

The Symposium is core to the Posner Center’s impact. Supporting the Symposium supports leaders across the global development sector to do good better as we strive for a more equitable and liberated global society. 


Event Categories:


The Posner Center for International Development


Virtual Event
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