Our very first screening of this film! Watch the movie, engage in a panel discussion with Executive Director Andrea Johnson and Green Empowerment program staff, and stay to mingle at the afterparty nearby.
Tickets: $25 per seat. Doors open at 1:30 so you can come early and settle in. Your ticket gives you full access to the event plus popcorn on the house!
Venue: This 200-seat vintage art house is a landmark of Portland history. The Clinton Street Theater is one of the oldest operating movie houses and event spaces in the United States.
Refreshments: The Clinton Street concession counter will be open for all your favorite movie theater snacks plus a generous variety of beer and wine. Your first bag of popcorn is on the house.
This one-hour documentary film follows two communities, one in Ecuador and one in Uganda, as they confront these global dilemmas and mobilize to build their own piped water systems.