The Glocal Org’s Toolkit for Engaging with Government


PSU Graduate Student Matt Wurst unveils his capstone project: a resource supporting advocacy needs of GlobalPDX Members. Policy is a challenge. While there is a conception that policy development is a linear process, the reality is much more complicated and tangled. Approaching policy without understanding the complexity and dexterity necessary to succeed in a constantly…

Rethinking American Grand Strategy | Christopher McKnight Nichols with Mary Carlin Yates & Derrick Olsen


Rethinking American Grand Strategy recasts both historical and modern dimensions of U.S. grand strategy by broadening the factors, events, and figures that could be considered political, and therefore strategic. Join us for a 30-minute lecture with one of the volume’s co-editors, Christopher McKnight Nichols, laying out some of the broad themes, major events, and transformations in U.S. grand…

Strengthening US foreign policy through subnational diplomacy

Virtual Event

U.S. mayors and governors are increasingly demonstrating their leadership in addressing transnational challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, trade, migration, and the intersection of these issues with racial inequities. To accelerate progress on these issues, the Biden-Harris administration is repositioning the U.S. to engage more proactively in global cooperation and multilateral efforts. To…

Just Dessert: The International Labor Organization & Theo Chocolate


Kevin Cassidy, Director of the International Labour Organization (ILO) joins us for an exploration of this UN agency’s work —their history and mission; their role in combatting child labor (particularly in the Chocolate sector); and how they engage with global and domestic partners in both the public and private sector to fight exploitative practices. Following his presentation, Aaron Lindstrom,…

Fund for Global Health interactive letter writing workshop

Virtual Event

Letter Writing Workshop 6/2/21 5pm PST   The Fund for Global Health team from Oregon invites you to join our interactive letter writing workshop! We will show you how to write an effective letter to Senator Merkley’s staff encouraging the Senator to support robust primary healthcare funding as part of his position on the Senate…

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