Three Kinds of Philanthropic Travel Programs

By Caliopy Glaros, Philanthropy Without Borders

While there can be a lot of variety in terms of structure, purpose, and implementation, most philanthropic travel programs tend to fall into one of three categories.

It is helpful to understand these categories and distinctions so that you can evaluate your organization’s current travel program and the associated benefits and challenges. For organizations who have yet to begin their donor travel program, getting a sense of what others are doing could be a helpful guide in determining where you want to head.

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Photosynthesis is one-third of the answer to mitigating climate change

By Health In Harmony

We can take immediate steps to drastically reduce levels of carbon in the atmosphere, using knowledge and tools we already have available. What’s more, we can take these steps at the human level, in ways that can demonstrate the possibility of meaningful change to individuals, households and communities around the world, from Portland to Jakarta.

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Why we do donor trips

You must know the why of a donor trip before you can wisely invest any time and money into making it happen. Otherwise, how will you know if the trip is successful? If the trip met its objectives? If it was worth doing…or worth doing again?

With all the excitement to get donors into the field, thoughtful analysis is often an afterthought and the most critical why questions are often asked after the trip has happened. Philanthropy without Borders provides clarity from the onset and examine some of the most common whys for donor trips.

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8 qualities to look for in trip participants

Before diving into the logistics of any nonprofit travel program, we must have clarity on who the right participants are for the trip. Any trip should be designed around one specific objective, with a clear understanding of the type of people that could help the organization achieve that objective. Whether your objective is to raise money, spread awareness, or recruit new Board members,  philanthropy without borders shares a few qualities that are essential when considering participants for your trips.

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New tool from Global Health Technologies Coalition allows for state-by-state analysis and quantifies economic and health benefits of US investments in global health Research and Development

The Global Health Technologies Coalition released a new tool this week which quantifies how federal funding to create cures and treatments to combat deadly global diseases is also generating considerable economic benefits for individual states.  The analysis also underscores the danger of ignoring neglected diseases, by enumerating how these diseases, assumed by many to only afflict the world’s poorest, also affect individuals across every state. Additionally, the analysis documents how local universities and research institutions are benefiting from these investments and identifies private-sector companies within each state that are working to advance new innovations to combat long-standing and emerging global health challenges.

To access the tool visit