Global & Planetary Health Course

The OHSU-PSU School of Public Health now offers a Global & Planetary Health Course

This course introduces students to the emerging field of Planetary Health, with focus on issues affecting the Global South and Indigenous Populations. The course is structured around the concept of Planetary Boundaries and will consider both the impacts of humans on Earth system processes and the subsequent threats to human health and well-being.  Practical examples and contemporary research projects will be introduced in the form of case studies and student projects.

Planetary Boundaries as initially described in the 2009 publication “A safe operating space for humanity” by Rockström and co-authors : Climate Change, Novel Entities, Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, Atmospheric Aerosol Loading, Ocean Acidification, Biochemical Flows, Freshwater Use, Land system change, Biosphere Integrity.

For inquiries and more information please e-mail: [email protected]

Can US cities help the world achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?


Despite a crisis of confidence at the national level, a significant majority of Americans still believe in the ability of their local governments to deliver. This is good news, because U.S. cities are increasingly responsible for taking on local challenges with global implications, such as pollution, violence, climate change, and economic opportunity and security.

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Photosynthesis is one-third of the answer to mitigating climate change

By Health In Harmony

We can take immediate steps to drastically reduce levels of carbon in the atmosphere, using knowledge and tools we already have available. What’s more, we can take these steps at the human level, in ways that can demonstrate the possibility of meaningful change to individuals, households and communities around the world, from Portland to Jakarta.

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New tool from Global Health Technologies Coalition allows for state-by-state analysis and quantifies economic and health benefits of US investments in global health Research and Development

The Global Health Technologies Coalition released a new tool this week which quantifies how federal funding to create cures and treatments to combat deadly global diseases is also generating considerable economic benefits for individual states.  The analysis also underscores the danger of ignoring neglected diseases, by enumerating how these diseases, assumed by many to only afflict the world’s poorest, also affect individuals across every state. Additionally, the analysis documents how local universities and research institutions are benefiting from these investments and identifies private-sector companies within each state that are working to advance new innovations to combat long-standing and emerging global health challenges.

To access the tool visit

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