The OHSU-PSU School of Public Health now offers a Global & Planetary Health Course
This course introduces students to the emerging field of Planetary Health, with focus on issues affecting the Global South and Indigenous Populations. The course is structured around the concept of Planetary Boundaries and will consider both the impacts of humans on Earth system processes and the subsequent threats to human health and well-being. Practical examples and contemporary research projects will be introduced in the form of case studies and student projects.
Planetary Boundaries as initially described in the 2009 publication “A safe operating space for humanity” by Rockström and co-authors : Climate Change, Novel Entities, Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, Atmospheric Aerosol Loading, Ocean Acidification, Biochemical Flows, Freshwater Use, Land system change, Biosphere Integrity.
For inquiries and more information please e-mail: [email protected]